The BTS Army Uganda is to host a charity event on the 13th March of 2022 as part of our goals to help out the community and make the world a better place for those who are in need. We are donating scholar materials such as books, pens etc., this is aimed to make the learning and education process simpler for the children who receive these materials. Sanitary materials such as pads will be donated as well, to increase the sanitary health of those that receive it.
Utilities such as food as well as cash and clothes will be donated as well. We’re donating to areas such places on the outskirts of town. Our aim is to lend a helping hand to those who are in need of assistance during this tough time brought by the pandemic, and bring a smile to their face as much as we can.

Our charity falls in line with the UN #Envision2030 Sustainable Development Goals to make the world a better place through active endeavors to upgrade living standards physically, mentally and psychologically. Our SOPE Charity aligns with Goal 3, in that the food stuffs we plan to donate are of high nutrients such as flour and legumes, Goal 4, in that we will donate educational tools to make learning processes simpler, and Goal 10, in that the aid we give will, by a small step, reduce certain inequalities such as the education gap and the living standard gap.
We are passionate about this, and we look forward to this event. Thank you.
Editor- Keren
©BTS Army Uganda 2022
Flyer by @zash_ot7